Researchers identify the gene responsible for a rare form of congenital anemia
The latest electronic edition of the journal Nature Genetics reports the discovery of a new gene responsible for congenital sideroblastic anemia, a rare disease, mainly characterized by the presence of...
View ArticleStudy finds novel genetic risk factors for kidney disease
A team of researchers from the United States, the Netherlands and Iceland has identified three genes containing common mutations that are associated with altered kidney disease risk. One of the...
View ArticleProtein-protein interaction explains vision loss in genetic diseases
The mystery of genetic disease is only partially solved with the identification of a mutated gene. Often, the pattern of disease - the features or disorders associated with it - vary in type and...
View ArticleNew genes implicated in high blood pressure
Researchers at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, along with an international team of collaborators, have identified common genetic changes associated with blood pressure and...
View ArticleGenes that influence start of menstruation identified for first time
Researchers from the Peninsula Medical School, along with collaborators from research institutions across Europe and the United States, have for the first time identified two genes that are involved in...
View ArticleStudy finds genes that influence the start of menstruation
Two scientists at the Institute for Aging Research of Hebrew SeniorLife are part of an international team of investigators that has identified genes that influence the start of menstruation, a...
View ArticleResearchers discover genetic risk factor for testicular cancer
Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine have uncovered variation around two genes that are associated with an increased risk of testicular cancer. Testicular cancer is the...
View ArticleDNA template could explain evolutionary shifts
Rearrangements of all sizes in genomes, genes and exons can result from a glitch in DNA copying that occurs when the process stalls at a critical point and then shifts to a different genetic template,...
View ArticleVariations in 5 genes raise risk for most common brain tumors
Common genetic variations spread across five genes raise a person's risk of developing the most frequent type of brain tumor, an international research team reports online in Nature Genetics.
View ArticleVariation in prostate stem cell antigen gene raises bladder cancer risk
Researchers have pinpointed a specific gene variation that causes increased risk of urinary bladder cancer, according to a scientific team led by The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center.
View ArticleMutations in gene linked to ciliopathies
An international team of scientists, led by researchers at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine, have discovered a connection between mutations in the INPP5E gene and...
View ArticleUnlikely genetic suspect implicated in common brain defect
A genetic search that wound its way from patients to mouse models and back to patients has uncovered an unlikely gene critically involved in a common birth defect which causes mental retardation, motor...
View ArticleNew steps forward in cell reprogramming
( -- Harvard Stem Cell Institute (HSCI) researchers at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) have substantially improved the odds of successfully reprogramming differentiated cells into...
View ArticleGene variation is 'major genetic determinant of psoriasis'
A specific genetic region that has been increasingly identified as the strongest genetic link to psoriasis has an even more significant role in the chronic skin disease than has been suspected,...
View ArticleCounting duplicated genome segments now possible
( -- A newly designed computational method has proven its usefulness in counting copies of duplicated genome sequences and in doing initial assessments of their contents, according to a...
View ArticleOpen source DNA
A new mathematical tool from Dr. Eran Halperin of TAU's Blavatnik School of Computer Science aims to protect genetic privacy while giving genomic data to researchers.
View ArticleStudy reveals new genetic culprit in deadly skin cancer
Drawing on the power of DNA sequencing, National Institutes of Health researchers have identified a new group of genetic mutations involved in the deadliest form of skin cancer, melanoma. This...
View ArticleGene mutation responsible for premature skin aging disease identified
In the new print issue of Nature Genetics, scientists in Singapore and Germany report that mutations in the PYCR1 gene cause the rare genetic condition that results in premature skin aging and that is...
View ArticleTwo proteins enable skin cells to regenerate
( -- Nevermind facial masks and exfoliating scrubs, skin takes care of itself. Stem cells located within the skin actively generate differentiating cells that can ultimately form either the...
View ArticleScientists discover new genetic variation that contributes to diabetes
Scientists have identified a genetic variation in people with type 2 diabetes that affects how the body's muscle cells respond to the hormone insulin, in a new study published today in Nature Genetics....
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